Haiku by Ryokan

The thief,
left behind,
the moon in my window

nusubito ni torinokosareshi mado no tsuki

12 1/4″ W x 43″ H Japanese Scroll
by Master Japanese Calligrapher Eri Takase


SKU: H3029SS Category: Tags: , , ,

H3029 Haiku by Ryokan – The thief, left behind …
by Master Japanese Calligrapher Eri Takase

The thief,
left behind,
the moon in my window

nusubito ni
mado no tsuki
ryoukan 良寛

Asataro Miyamori suggests the translation:

The moon at my window is left
Unstolen by the theif.

Miyomori writes:

One night a thief broke into the poet’s house and stole some property. The following morning, when his family were distressed over the burglary, he unconcernedly composed the above verse.”

R. H. Blyth suggests the translation:

The thief
Left it behind, –
The moon at the window.

Blyth explains:

In any other poet but Ryokan this verse might be suspected of affectation, but our knowledge of Ryokan’s daily life enables us to read this as it is written, in complete simplicity and truth.

Translation Notes:

Here we read 盗人 as nusubito. One also sees this read nusutto.


[1] Translation by Timothy L. Jackowski, Takase Studios, LLC.

[2] 602-603.

[3] 940.